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BigAdmin Info and dox for Solaris admins. The hardware compability list (HCL) for Solaris is found here. {checked 06-sep-2005}
Solaris dox All Solaris documentation online {checked 06-sep-2005}
Sunsolve Solaris patches and fixes. You need a service contract to get access to all patches, but security fixes can be downloaded for free. {checked 06-sep-2005}
SunSource Sun's open source involvement {checked 06-sep-2005}
Solaris central News portal {checked 06-sep-2005}
Sun help News portal {checked 06-sep-2005}
Solaris on Intel x86 FAQ {checked 06-sep-2005}
Solaris-x86 {checked 06-sep-2005}

-- Free software

Blastwave Community software packages for the Solaris operating environment {added 31-jan-2005}
Sunfreeware Freeware for solaris {checked 29-jan-2005}
-- Sunfreeware mirrors: Sweden {added 12-apr-2004}

-- Opensolaris community websites

Genunix Community website {added 18-jun-2005}

-- Opensolaris distros

Blastware The Blastwave team's Opensolaris distro. Those guy's are working on a PowerPC port {checked 18-jun-2005}
ShilliX Joerg Shilling's Opensolaris distro {added 18-jun-2005}


Tru64 News, information and software {added 10-dec-2003}

Plan 9

Plan 9 Bell labs legendary op.sys. {added 14-dec-2003}
Vita nuova Sells Plan 9 and printed dox {added 14-dec-2003}

Open source BSD-style Unix-wannabe operating systems

DragonFly A fork off FreeBSD 4.x stable. The goal of this BSD-flavor is easy maintenance, efficient threading and clustering {checked 29-jan-2005}
-- DragonFly Digest A running description of activity related to DragonFly BSD {checked 29-jan-2005}
-- Official DFly wiki A part of the DFly doc project {fixed 31-jan-2005}
-- BSD Installer Homepage for the DragonFly installer {checked 29-jan-2005}
-- GoBSD Prebuilt packages for DragonFly {checked 29-jan-2005}
-- LiveBSD Provides ISO's with a lot of additional software already prebuilt, ready to burn and install {added 08-jul-2004}

FreeBSD I don't think this one really needs a description, it's pretty famous already {checked 30-jan-2005}
-- Daemonnews FreeBSD related news {added 10-dec-2003}
-- FreeBSD Mall Order yor FreeBSD CD's and books here {added 10-dec-2003}
-- LiveBSD Provides ISO's with a lot of additional software already prebuilt, ready to burn and install {added 08-jul-2004}

NetBSD Probably the most portable (and ported) op.sys. in the world {checked 02-dec-2003}

OpenBSD Those guys claim that their op.sys. is the most secure on this planet. That might be true, but userfriendliness is NOT their ballgame. Trust me, I have tried it, and it still hurts. {checked 28-jan-2005}
-- OpenBSD Ports Archive {added 28-jan-2005}

The X Windows system and it's free siblings

Freedesktop.org Free desktop projects {checked 29-jan-2005}
Utah-GLX Hardware acceleration for XFree86 {checked 25-jan-2005}
X Home of the X consortium {checked 29-may-2005}
XFree86 Home of the XFree86 project {checked 29-jan-2005}
Xi Graphics Commercial X server with hardware accelerated OpenGL {added 29-may-2005}

Last changes to this page was comitted: Saturday, 21-Oct-2006 05:53:16 PDT

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