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News and forums

-- Largescale Cars (1/5)

[swe] Femtedelen News and results from the Swedish largescale scene {added 12-apr-2004}
[eng] Modelracer Largscale news {added 13-apr-2004}
[eng] RCTek Information and resources for the model car racer {added 17-apr-2004}
[eng] Rev-up racing magazine Everything largscale {added 12-apr-2004}

-- Kyosho Mini-Z

[eng] Mini-z World Information and forums for the mini-z car racer {added 05-feb-2005}

Radio control equipment

[eng] Hitec Cheap and therefore popular radios {added 12-apr-2004}
[eng/de] Multiplex The king of R/C transmitters {checked 31-aug-2006}


-- Largescale Cars

[eng/it] Bergonzoni {added 12-apr-2004}
[eng/de] FG {added 12-apr-2004}
[eng/de] HARM {added 17-apr-2004}
[eng/de] Lauterbacher {added 12-apr-2004}
[eng/it] Technokit {added 17-apr-2004}

-- Kyosho Mini-Z

[eng] Kyosho {added 05-feb-2005}


-- Electric

[eng] Aveox Brushless motors {added 16-apr-2004}
[eng] Hacker Brushless motors {added 16-apr-2004}
[eng/cz/de] MEGA Motor Brushless motors {checked 25-jun-2006}


[eng/it] PMT {added 17-apr-2004}


-- Sweden

[swe] Umea AK, R/C division {added 06-feb-2005}
[swe] Vannas miniracing I race with those guys {added 30-jun-2006}
[swe] Jorn-Skelleftea R/C car club {added 24-aug-2006}

Where to buy/Stores

Codes inside the prepending square brackets means: [S]=real life shop [O]=dot com shop

-- Sweden

[?O][swe] HAB Geared towards electric aeroplanes {checked 24-aug-2006}
[_O][swe] Mini-z.se Everything for Mini-z racing cars {added 03-feb-2005}
[?O][swe] Hobbyprodukter Imports Serpent cars to Sweden {added 24-aug-2006}
[?O][swe/eng] Uffes miniracing Large scale cars {checked 10-apr-2005}
[_O][swe] Umea RC Lotsa stuff in many categories {checked 29-jun-2006}
[SO][swe] Umea slojd och hobby Has most things for R/C hobby {checked 29-jun-2006}

-- Holland/Netherlands

[SO][eng/dutch] PK Model Racing Sells most R/C cars and accessory parts, ships wordwide {cheed 22-aug-2006}
[_O][eng/dutch] The border online RC shop Europes largest R/C car warehouse, ships wordwide {added 24-aug-2006}

-- Hongkong

[SO][eng/and some more] RC Mart Sells most R/C cars and accessory parts, ships wordwide {cheed 24-aug-2006}

-- England

[_O][eng] RcModelImports Sells electric cars and accessory parts, Ships across europe {added 05-feb-2005}

-- Germany

[_O][eng/de] Hobbytek Sells FG largescale cars and tons of accessory parts, ships wordwide {added 12-apr-2004}
[_O][de] Voegele motorsport Makes and sells largescale car bodies of classic race cars {fixed 22-aug-2004}

-- Austria

[_O][eng] Raco Sells most largescale cars and accessory parts, ships wordwide {added 12-apr-2004}

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Last changes to this page was comitted: Thursday, 24-Aug-2006 12:18:33 PDT

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