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eComStation {checked 19-nov-2006}
Os/2 Warp news and rumors{checked 19-nov-2006}
os2.org {checked 31-jan-2005}
Os/2 Voice {added 10-may-2005}
OS2 World.com {checked 31-jan-2005}
os2.cz {checked 09-feb-2003}

Os/2 info

Os/2 warp be Hardware compatible list {added 31-jan-2005}

Community sites

Os/2 irc Official site for some Os/2 irc channels {added 07-may-2004}

Software developement

Edm2 Electronic developer magazine for Os/2 {added 16-apr-2005}
Netlabs Open source software for Os/2 and eCS {added 16-apr-2005}
eWiki eComStaion developer portal {added 19-nov-2006}

Last changes to this page was comitted: Wednesday, 22-Nov-2006 08:38:21 PST

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Want to tell me to drop dead?
Whatever, just make sure to drop me a note so I'll know what it's all about.