Operating systems
FreeRTOS Open source RTOS (mini realtime scheduler) that supports many different processors {checked 21-aug-2004}
uCos/OS-II Commersical RTOS with support for a lot of CPU:s {checked 21-aug-2004}
RTEMS Open source RTOS that supports many 32-bit CPU:s {checked 21-aug-2004}
QSSL Makers of the commersical RTOS QNX, with support for many CPU families. They also have a noncommersical version avaible for download (ISO image, i386 only) that runs fine on your standard PC {checked 21-aug-2004}
-- News and forums
OpenQNX News, software, forums and more {checked 21-aug-2004}
QNXZone News, software, forums and more {checked 21-aug-2004}
-- Free software
The openqnx project at sourceforge. Open source applications for QNX{checked 21-aug-2004}
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Sunday, 21-Aug-2005 08:32:18 PDT
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