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Scientific stuff
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Portals/News Sites

The EE compendium Portal site for the embedded engineer
eg3.com Portal site for the embedded engineer
ePanorama Links to almost everything that concerns electronics
The free country Free programmers resources

CompactPCI and PC/104

[eng] Capax Swedish supplier of hardware
[swe] Hitech Nordic Swedish supplier of both hard- and software


-- AVR

AVR Beginners An introduction to AVR programming {added 04-apr-2003}
AVR freaks Forums, software, reviews, projects {checked 21-apr-2004}
Open AVR Info site about AVR programming {added 21-apr-2004}
---- AVR Projects
Frank Van Hoofs MP3 player with USB2 and IDE harddrive {added 21-apr-2004}
Microsyl A site with some AVR projects {added 21-apr-2004}
Peter Fleury online Software and hardware projects for AVR {checked 07-apr-2003}


-- HC11

MSOE Resources Resources for HC11 development {checked 21-apr-2004}

Other manufacturers

FTDI Chip USB chips
Hitachi Europe H8 microcontrollers
Linear Lotsa neat stuff
Philips Semiconductors


-- Compilers

[eng/de] E-Lab Pascal compiler for AVR and PIC
HP Infotech C compiler for AVR
Jennaron Research Free SmallC compiler for AVR
Imagecraft C compilers for AVR and HC08/11/12/16

Where to buy/Stores

Codes inside the prepending square brackets means:
[S]=real life shop [O]=dot com shop [D]=distributor

-- Sweden

[D][swe/eng] ACTE
[SO][swe/no/dk/fi/pol/eng] ELFA {checked 18-apr-2004}
[?O][swe/eng] Lawicel {checked 18-apr-2004}

-- Europe/EU

[?OD] Arrow
[?O] Eurodis Europe -- [Sweden]
[?O][choose country here] Farnell Europe {checked 18-apr-2004}
[D] WBC Europe {added 18-apr-2004}

-- Worldwide

[?O][eng] Futurlec

Last changes to this page was comitted: Sunday, 21-Aug-2005 08:38:41 PDT

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