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My personal favorite web comics

Cheerleaders in skimpy outfits. Agents in skimpy outfits working for some "mystics". And more.

Planet Karen. A blog style comic by Karen Ellis.

This is Red cap. She's in this comic, as is some other fairy tale caracters
This comic combine different faitytales in a fantastic way.
Kinda dark and gloomy, but exellent anyway

This comic isn't all about fan service. It's kinda funny too.

The banner says it all

About a game, manga and anime shop. Lotsa grrls and some sexy art.
(some people consider this an adult comic)

Old norse mythology. Well, kinda.

Sci-fi stuff.

Loserz - Cynical punk-ass teenagers

Great comics that is not updated anymore

This is a parody of Final Fantasy 7 and similar RPG games.
Unfortunatley, this comic has been left unfinshed.

Last changes to this page was comitted: Sunday, 24-Dec-2006 04:19:38 PST

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Want to tell me to drop dead?
Whatever, just make sure to drop me a note so I'll know what it's all about.